Friday, March 26, 2010


What a busy couple of days! Goodness, there has been a lot going on and it feels like there hasn't been much time to it really spring break? haha Between sick babies, running errands, and unexpected visitors I've barely have had time to set down...but of course this is life for me when I am home, can't say I'd change it. Yesterday was a full day, worked in the daycare and ended up staying inside all day long because of the massive wind! Thats one thing that you can expect here...the wind in the spring. And when I say wind I don't mean a nice slight breeze...I mean a hard core, blow the house down, kinda wind. It was fun though, we ended up playing on the wii, got the kids into playing Mario Cart...of course they thought I was some kind of master...little do they know is that this game has been around far before they were ever born...well....most of them haha. Gotta say though the original is the best ever, the new is pretty stellar! I would recommend that EVERYONE plays this at some gets pretty intense. lol Christian stayed the night last night and was excited to spend the evening with me after everyone went to bed. Sadly little man got sick and ended up sleeping on the couch....UNTIL he busted through my door at 2am giving me a heart attack. The massive wind scared he decided instead of walking through the hallway to Mamaw's Papa's room he'd rather truck down the stairs and sleep with Aunt Nana. After tucking him and calming down he told me he loved me and was happy I let him in. haha I suppose that was worth the heart attack ;). Was woken up early this morning by my mom...had some cousins from out of town that dropped by to say hello. Haven't seen them in years and though I just had woken up I was excited to see them all. With some catching up and some good laughs they were off before lunch, and I had to get ready for the day. Though that was difficult with some sick babies who wanted to be held. Once they were calm left mom to get ready and was off into town to get my hair done....SO happy that I FINALLY got to do so....its been far to long. Ran by ranchin home and got some pellets for the stove. I gotta tell ya though, walking in a young girl with her hair all 'did' I got some looks. I was thinking...HEY NOW I have my plaid cowgirl shirt on leave me alone! haha Was finally home sat down...thought to my self 10 minutes thats all I need...Ended up falling asleep for an hour, only thing that woke me up was some serious kids screaming from down below. Helped til the end of the day ran by a purse party with my mom, where she got some new covers for her purse....shhhh don't tell my dad. Then off to a family friends house (basically family) and then FINALLY home again...where we sat for a couple of hours with my dad chatting and watching some much needed catching up TV. There has been a lot going on and still have a lot to do tomorrow. Goodness. Can't wait though a great weekend is coming my way and I an super excited about all that is going to happen.

Until Next time

LeAnna =)

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